Thursday, March 4, 2010

The Living Planet Aquarium

The kids and I took a short trip out to Salt Lake this weekend to visit my sister Renee and her husband Nicholas who was in town for business. We stayed at Jennifer's house, she is always such a gracious host and Auntie.

Saturday we headed to the The Living Planet Aquarium and spent nearly 3 hours there. All of the kids loved the animals, Sivai and Austin were all about touching and feeling, which Lily wanted nothing to do with. The little deli had reasonable food rates which made it very convenient to eat there, and the highlight for all of us was Nick, Sivai and Austin being able to feed the sting rays. It was such a fun time to spend with Renee and Nick! My kids are still begging to go back and feed the animals again.

Not a real crab

All tired out from a long day, snuggling were her turtle from U. Nick and A. Renee.


Lisa said...

So much fun. I so want to move to Utah so we can all get together.

Our history said...

Great pictures!! Thank you so much for coming!! We had a blast!