Saturday, February 7, 2009

Ice Skating-Falling

Tonight was our Ward ice skating party and Sivai had been begging to go since he heard it announced in church about 3 weeks ago. (What? He listens in church?) I wasn't too excited for the challenge of taking all three of them to the rink, Pat was at work, but I figured there would be plenty of friends there to help. As soon as we got there Sivai took one look at the rink and everyone falling down and didn't want anything to do with it. I convinced him to put the skates on and then let him figure it out. He wouldn't venture out on the ice until he saw one of his good friends and then he didn't want any help. He spent more time falling and getting up than skating, but by the end of the evening he was doing pretty well, although he did complain of a headache...
Austin had no preconceptions of skating and was game. He walked around in the skates for a while and had perfect balance off the ice. I helped him go around the rink a couple of times and he did pretty well, he was cold by the end of the evening and I think he enjoyed the cookie free-for-all more than anything.
Lily wanted on the ice, but didn't want any she only got about 2 minutes of me bent over trying to hold her. Patrick came after work and helped so that I was able to skate some. It was only my third time but I didn't fall and I could actually turn and stop. I'm just thankful we came away with no broken bones or bloody noses :)


Jeanine said...

What a fun activity! You are so brave to take all 3! I am glad that you all had fun.

Trish said...

Fun! Sivai try to skate that's so cute sounds like you had fun. Good for you to take all 3 by your self that a lot of work.

Lisa Wilson said...

You are brave to venture out to an activity like that with all 3 in tow. I would have just said skip it. So GOOD FOR YOU!

BTW you are really skinny. I better starve myself so I can measure up before I see you next week. jk jk