Saturday, February 7, 2009


I hesitate to post this because it's just embarrassing to myself, but Patrick got such a kick out of it I thought I would share.
Last night we decided to head to the Rec. center and go swimming. We don't go swimming very often because it costs a lot ($20) for our whole family to swim for 2 hours, so we're going to get a pass soon. Anyhow... I went and got my bathing suit on which happens to be 7 years old and completely stretched out from wearing it for 2 pregnancies and is really ugly. I came out from getting changed and Patrick told the boys to come see what Mom is wearing, I guess that was his way of telling them we were going swimming. Austin came running in and came to a dead stop when he saw me and with a scrunched up face said, "EEEEEEEUUUUUWWWWWWW!" Patrick burst out in laughter and I retreated to my room thinking maybe going out in pubic might not be a good idea. But we went anyway....and I think I saw people wearing a lot worse bathing suits than I was.
P.S. NO, there will not be a picture for this post :)


Jeanine said...

That is really funny! I am worried for the things that might come out of Sadie's mouth. I am sure it wasn't that bad.

Our history said...

was it the black one with mesh?

Lisa Wilson said...

hahahahaha!!!!!!! We'll go shopping for a new suit next weekend girl.