Wednesday, May 30, 2012


We went fishing at Pelican Lake on Memorial Day and had a blast catching bluegill. I got bored and put on a spinner and hooked a bass.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Update in photos

 Fishing with Grandpa, picture by Grandma
 Mama cat and kittens, the kids (and I) are having fun with them.
 After 5 years in our house, sod in the backyard finally.
 Amelia with the flowers at Temple Square.
 Derek and Nathan scoping out a tarantula at the National History Museum.
 Austin holding a hissing cockroach at the Natural History Museum, kicking myself for not getting pictures with Grandma and Grandpa Yeager!
 Lily and Amber at Temple Square.
 Sivai turning 9
 Completely Jazz obsessed.
 Sivai, Ari, Austin, and Lily at Temple Square  (we were there 2x in one week)
 Our good friend from Samoa, Vale Tagaloa, came to UT for her mission. We were lucky enough to spend half a day with her. Samoans out number palagi's in this picture, Ari was adopted at the same time as Sivai and I met her parents when we were all in Samoa.
Levi and Amelia, a couple of days before the poor guy ended up in the hospital.