Saturday, April 25, 2009

Special Delivery!

Patrick's parents arrived today with a much anticipated delivery of my weaving loom and a piano. They got us the piano to ensure our kids a musical childhood. We are so grateful for their generosity! Our home already feels more homey and well rounded.

I purchased the loom from SUU. They no longer teach the weaving class that I took for 4 semesters. I got a phone call from my old teacher saying they were available to purchase and I jumped at the chance. Now I need to make my brain remember how to use it!
We are also happy to have Patrick's parents visiting us for the weekend. We all have a lot of fun talking and playing together, what a blessing they are in our life.


Betsy said...

Hooray for a piano. I have no idea how to use that other thing, so good luck.

Christina Lyon Maughan said...

A piano is a beautiful addition to a home. And a loom... that is so FLIPPING cool! Is it for a particular type of material (i.e. cotton or wool) or can you use any type of thread/yarn to create the fabric? What a neat thing to be able to use. A friend of mine has a spinning wheel, which I think is "freaking awesome". I can barely sew a straight line, let alone create fabric so kudos to you.

Lisa Wilson said...

OH MY! I don't know who is more excited about that or me! :)

Shelly said...

how exciting. i would love a piano and for the kids to learn. i wouldn't mind learning either. that loom looks awesome. what a fun thing to be able to do

saskia said...

what coolness, a loom. My mom is an amazing weaver, though I never did learn. Draven has a small loom that he uses.