Thursday, September 17, 2009


Has anyone else noticed that Miley Cyrus has a new clothing line in the teeny-bopper section of Wal-mart? Austin has. He's had a healthy obsession with Miley/Hannah for about the last six months. I try not to feed it, he's not allowed to watch the t.v. show but he continues with his little crush. He's even asked if we could go to the beach and visit her.
While waiting in line the other day at Wal-mart Austin ran over to the Miley display, grabbed one of the shirts (the same one that she was wearing in the ad. picture) buried his face in it and took a big sniff. He came running back to me with the biggest smile on his face and announced that he had smelled Miley Cyrus' clothes! I think he truly believed that she had worn them, sometimes he just melts my heart.


Green's said...

Ahh, young love is so sweet and tender! What a great time to teach him 'gentlemen' manners!