Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Two Already

Opening presents.

Blowing out candles, she knew just what to do.

Ready for bed with her new baby doll and Dora p.j.'s.

We had a fun day today packed with a lot of excitement. I dressed Austin and Lily up in their Halloween costumes and headed to the library for their little trick-or-treat parade. They both had a blast, and it was good to be inside away from the freezing cold. I treated them to lunch at MacDonald's where they played for over and hour and then I took Austin to his tumbling class, it was also dress up day. Lily wants to join in every week and I always end up in the car with her. After tumbling we headed home for a much needed nap and then went to the school for Sivai's parent teacher conference. Let's just say there's going to be a lot more reading going on at our house.... I guess the recommended 20 min. a day isn't cutting it.
We came home and had dinner and then waited for presents and cake. Lily was really patient all day and I think her brothers were more excited than her. She had a blast ripping open her gifts and seemed to love them all, most of them ended up in bed with her. It was a long day, notice Miss Lily's frazzled hair, but it was fun.


Jennifer said...

WOW! Two years old! Amazing...I miss that little one so much. Please give her a squeeze for me.

Ginger said...

how can she be two? where has time gone?!she is darling