Sunday, May 30, 2010

Mesa Verde

Last weekend to beat the Memorial Day crowds some of the Yeager bunch met up at Mesa Verde in Southern Colorado. It was such a great little vacation that wasn't too far away. The weather was perfect, and I'm pretty sure everyone had a great time (even my little brother Wyle who tried to pretend it was all too boring for him.) It was a bummer Heidi and Irvin were busy with school and work and Lisa was just too far away in Iowa to miss out on all the fun.
Patrick and I, cliff dwellings in the background.

My Mom and Dad, Keely, Anna, and Wyle.

Sivai was always leading the crowd and climbing everything he could. He only fell out of one tree, but it didn't seem to bother him for too long.

As usual Austin was most interested in the small things, especially caterpillars and bugs. He may have overturned every rock he came across. This happens to be a blossom from a flower.

Lily was carried around a lot of the time, it was a good there were a lot of shoulders to do the work.
Dad, Anna, Bridgette, Renee and Austin, getting geared up for a climb.

Celebrating Nick's birthday a week early, Happy Birthday today Nick!


Lisa Wilson said...

I'm so envious you got to go to Mesa Verde! I love it there!

BTW You're looking mighty thin for being so far along in your pregnancy...;)