Wednesday, September 1, 2010

1st Day

School started today, Kindergarten for Austin and 2nd grade homeschooling for Sivai. We decided Sivai needed a year at home and I'm doing the K12 program with him. It's great to have the resources and the support from some of my friends that home school. Two questions into his day Sivai announced, "Boy, this 2nd grade stuff is hard!" I thought he did great considering the K12 program is more advanced than our local schools.
Austin wanted to ride the bus his first school and off he went. He had a fun time but tomorrow he is insisting that I follow the bus and help him get to his classroom so he doesn't get lost again. I'm sure I just don't remember but it seems like he is much more calm about school than Sivai was. It's great to have him learning and growing.


Shelly said...

i'm glad your boys had a great first day

Green's said...

2 boys and 2 girls now! Your family is lovely! I think your pix turned out great. Congrats about Amelia!