Thursday, June 12, 2008

Sivai's Quotes

While watching The Little Mermaid,
"Mom, I don't like that girls attitude. It's just not good. I'll never do that to my parents because I love you so much."

Examining mosquito bites,
mom: "Look at all the bumps from your' mosquito bites."
Sivai: "Mom, they're not bumps. Don't you know, they're called polyps, polyps Mom, not bumps."

Trying to con me into watching a movie,
"Mom, can I watch just half a movie? just half? I can't get Robin Hood off my eyes. I just can't!"
Our neighbor accross the street has a Harley Davidson, while getting in the car one day while he was idling Sivai said,
"Mom, motorcycles are loud because they have combustion engines."


Kelli said...

What a funny kid! I am so glad you have him. Can you even imagine the life he would have led in Samoa? We need to get the kids together sometime.