Thursday, January 15, 2009

Growing up

Lily has discovered hats lately and loves to take them on and off. Plus she has learned to say "cheese" for the camera, but this is the face she makes. She's coming up on 15 months and talking more and more, she says so many words now I can't even begin to list them. Her favorite thing to say is "my baby!" She loves here little glowworm my mom gave her for her birthday.

Austin has discovered humor lately. He's a little teaser and especially loves to get under Sivai's skin by copying everything he says. It's fun to see his little personality grow.

Sivai is progressing in school and learning more quickly than I can keep up with. He likes to hide what he knows but he's already site reading many words and sounding out most 2,3 and 4 letter words. He continues to say some pretty funny things. His grandpa Dotson had knee replacement surgery and I told him about it. He said, "Why? Did he lose his knee?" He came up to me yesterday and said, "Guess what! I can make guitar noises with my mouth! Want to hear?" me, "sure" Sivai, "bwaaa, nwaaa....." and he continued to make electric guitar sounds for quite a while, being very proud of himself.


Our history said...

They melt my heart!!!
hugs and kisses