Saturday, July 17, 2010

Free Time

I've been using up the last of my free time the past couple days baking and crafting. The bread braid recipe I got from my good friend Lisa, wow! They were awesome and so easy to make. Austin has requested a pinata for his birthday. I'm cheap, plus I couldn't find one that he would like, he's really into bugs and crawly things. I decided to make one, and will never make one again. It wasn't hard but it took a lot of time and was very tedious.
Lily and I also made about a dozen hair bows for her and the baby (sorry, no picture). Some were the simple glue a flower on a clip, others I folded fabric to make. The boys come back Monday and my free time will be gone, but I think I've made the most of it and it has been the most relaxing last couple of weeks of a pregnancy I've ever had. No hurry up and get here baby!


saskia said...

the pinata looks great- we make ours to

Lisa Wilson said...

You've got some serious skills, Bridge! The bread looks stunning!!! And the pinata, wow!!! Great job! Is that bread braided with 3 ropes?