Thursday, June 23, 2011

Lily and I made cinnamon rolls for Father's Day. I asked her to smile for the camera and this is what I got. Typical.

Austin and Sivai just finished up t-ball and coach pitch baseball. They missed most of their games due to weather cancellations and our two week trip to Samoa. They did enjoy the couple of games they got to play and I could see some improvement from the beginning of the season.

Sivai had a run-in with the front step. Thankfully it only needed glued instead of stitches.

Austin and his friend Maddy. He's convinced she's going to marry him when they get older.

Amelia is learning to walk, everyday she gets a little more confident and daring. As of today she can take 4 steps before she tips over. She has been my most cautious walker and knows how to "fall" without hurting herself.


Marlynn said...

There was a boy in my childhood that I was determined to marry...Then I met Koda. Haha!
So that about Austin and Maddy is just so funny!

Anonymous said...

well sivai, i think you won on the battle wounds, yours is more worst then when mine when i fell off the 4 wheeler at the feedlot..
i hope u get better
ash parker