Friday, August 15, 2008

Sunset, Bugs and Bottles

The other evening we had a beautiful sunset, it's like the sky was on fire. I was outside on our front lawn (yay for grass!!) and all the kids eventually followed me out.

Austin is completely fascinated by bugs, grasshoppers especially. I've finally convinced him that they're not allowed inside and that he can't sleep with them. A couple of days ago he wouldn't put this huge green one down. He's also figured out how to pull their jumping legs off rendering them easier to play with.

So I decided to try canning. I've done it plenty of times before with my mom, grandmother, and my mother-in-law, but I've never been completely on my own for the whole project. I called my mom and got a few last minute pointers and this is the result. Fourteen quarts of beautiful peaches! I hope they taste as good as they look. After all that hard work it might be a while before I open a jar.


Ginger said...

canning! aaahh! I'm so proud of you ! I have never done it and don't want to but know that I should! you rock!

Lisa Wilson said...

What a gorgeous sunset!

You are a brave woman canning and all!