Wednesday, August 20, 2008


1. What is your/his name? Bridgette and Patrick
2. Who eats more? He does.
3. Who said I love you first? I think I told him it was okay to say it, so he did.
4. Who is taller? He is.
5. Who is smarter? I was until I had kids and everything between my ears escaped.
6. Who is more sensitive? I think I am, but he shows it more.
7. Who does the laundry? Me, he's not allowed, but I still hate it.
8. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? I do.
9. Who pays the bills? I do.
10. Who cooks more? By far me, but he's great at it when he does
11. What meals do you cook together? When we have company over, or when we have coconut shrimp.
12. Who is more stubborn? I am.
13. Who is first to admit when they are wrong? He is, I'm really stubborn.
14. Who has more siblings? Me by two.
15. Who wears the pants in the relationship? I run the show around the house, but he still has the final say most of the time.
16. What do you like to do together? Travel, talk, watch tv.
17. Who eats more sweets? Sometimes me, sometimes him.
18. Guilty pleasures? Eating dessert after the kids go to bed.
19. How did you meet? At an institute dance.
20. Who asked who out first? Patrick asked me out.
21. Who kissed who first? He kissed me on our second date.
22. Who proposed? Patrick did, he had his Mom play the piano and then proposed.
23. What is your/his best feature? His personality, I'm just happy to be back into pre-pregnancy clothes after two babies.
24. What is your/his best quality? He's a really hard warker, I can start and finish a task.
I tag no one.


Lisa Wilson said...

OK. You do deserve a comment. I'm just a retard. lol Thanks for doing the tag! It's fun to learn more about you and Pat. I forgot several of the tiny things, too!

Lisa Wilson said...

You signed your name to your comment on my blog! lol I definitely won't mistaken it this time! :)